Sunday, March 23, 2008

What makes me start this blog?

What makes Peggy start blogging? Well i supposed those who know me well enough will be quite surprised to see PEGGY"S BLOG.
'' OMG !! Its that really the Peggy that we know created this blog?''
I assume this will pop in some of my friend's mind at the first second they see my very first blog ( which is this lovely blog ).
Well here are all the answers :
  • I really hope my close friends can get to know what i am doing and how my life is going on.
  • I want my precious time to be occupied meaningfully.
  • I really wish this could enable me to keep in touch with some of my friends esp my secondary schoolmates - esp : Suet Yin, Yen Lee, Pei Cheng, Mei Hui, Sook Mun and many more...
Of course there are other reasons that i didn't mention, but those i mention are the main reasons. So i hope u guys can give some support to my blog ;-)
Let me explain a little on why i said some will be surprised to see my blog. Actually this is because i am a very lazy person. I love to sleep soooo much. Yet i am willing to sacrifice some of my time here. Ooops sounds like i am becoming a hero!? Haha.

Dear friends,
I really wish we can keep in touch. I miss you all so much. i miss all our sweet memories during secondary school days.
And of course I do wish to keep in contact with many of my other friends.
Yes YOU!! So lets just don't forget each other.

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