Monday, July 14, 2008

Classes started a week ago!

SIGH... not that I don't wanna blog, but I have nothing to blog, everyday having class, homework, don't really have time to hang out with friends.. Hate A-levels!! I shouldn't have taken this course!! My parents went to UK a week ago, coming back on Friday.. I will be joining them if I got holidays.. They were to attend my sis's graduation, then travelling around, so fun.. I WANT TO GO!!

''Peggy, u wear specs? How come I never see u wearing it?"
"No way, I won't let u see me wearing my stupid specs."
"I want to see! I want to see! "
I look ugly with my specs. My eyes then look so small and my power is damn high. I'm powerful! lol.. I think I look like a nerd with my stupid thick specs.. People who know me after my age of 15 probably never see me wearing specs before. Some seems to be surprised when they saw me wearing colour lens, only then they got to know I actually wear specs.. I will always put my lens on when I step out my house, so you won't have the chance to see me wearing specs. Anyway I'm kind enough to show u some pictures..

Of course I choose the nicer ones to post it here, but still.. I think I don't look good with specs.. Nah, Hui Ven!! Don't ask me to wear specs just to let u see anymore!

"Peggy, why u never wear skirt?"
1. It's inconvenient for especially people like me, got what I mean?
2. I don't have gorgeous legs to show off.
If I have long and slim legs, I will definitely wear mini skirt EVERYDAY.. Sometimes I don't understand why some girls like to wear mini skirts while they know themselves having elephant legs.. Oh yes, I remember something funny, Mei Hui was saying this, she was wondering those plus-sized girls with elephant legs wearing high heels, WON'T THEIR HEELS break? Then we were like "Hahahahahahaha... U are terrible!" Don't perasan okay?? No offence, I'm not referring to anyone, NOT YOU at least.. But I think it's okay to wear high heels.. I'm short that's why...

Anyone going to Midvalley this few days? I will be staying in Bullevard Hotel, don't know if the spelling is correct, will be staying there until this Thursday. So just get my phone if any of u is coming.. Maybe we can go movie? shopping? makan? or whatever..

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